About Exchain
Exchain is offering free Call centre services for social change-makers leaders in India including Govt employee like teachers. Under the call centre, we have two plan Counselling and Consultancy. Under these initiatives, we are trying to build an exposure chain for social change leaders including Govt teachers and development sector organizations. Anyone who wants to make a career in the social sector and looking for mentorship support they can get an appointment with experts and have a call directly. If any social leaders looking for support to arrange TLM or funding for a school trip or learning journey or any kind of support they also can have a call on Exchain call centre.
1. Exchain Call Centre
India has around 3.2 million registered non-government organisations (NGOs). Indians have more per capita NGOs than hospital beds. The Central Statistical Organisation of India states there are around four NGOs for every 1,000 people in urban areas and 2.3 NGOs for every 1,000 rural population. Source down to earth.
The growth of the non-profit sector in India in the last two decades has been phenomenal. India has possibly the largest number of active non-government, not-for-profit organizations in the world. Official estimates put the number at 3.3 million. Source Smile Foundation India.
Let me give you an example. You love those company who provide good customer service and those who have good customer care. When you feel any problem you just start calling to those company and talk with customer care and you tell your query. You worried with them when they do not solve your problem quickly. In the social sector, social changemakers need support system where they can get help by mentors, experienced people and investors/funders. But only good socialized people who have good connections get the benefit of these kinds of opportunities. We always abuse to Government for their irresponsible job of teaching in the school but are they getting any platform for support from experts? I don't think we have any good platform for teachers or school leaders. Teach for India and Gandhi Fellowship hire fellows for two years and send them to the school as a school teacher leader and they teach there very well. Why, because they have a good platform for learning. They have a platform where they can ask for help. But in the same school, another teacher doesn't have any platform for asking for help.
With these problems and no support platform for any development sector leaders, I have started Exchain4Us to provide all kind of information on one platform and free call centre for social changemakers and teachers. They can come and ask for any kind of help. For getting the support of call centre for social change makers please click here and get an appointment of a phone call with experts.
Click here for having a call with experts.
Under the Call centre program, we are doing two different things 1. Counselling of any individuals and 2. Consultancy for opportunities.
A. Exchain counselling
Exchain counselling is for those who are trying to do something and make a career better. But failed in setting their goal on the interest because of lack of money and exposures.The child psychology says that, if the child is unable to identify their interest for their career and how they will achieve it till age 21 then they face in the right selection of the career according to their interest. So, here they need people who can talk with them honestly, listen to them, understand them without judging and then give the right suggestions and open the door for it.
The problem is till yet there is only a few career counsellor available in India who does career counselling without charging and give suggestion according to their interest and bank balance. But what is special in our counselling?
Note: Write to us for counselling: exchain4us@gmail.com and +918789311695
A. Exchain Consultancy
Exchain Consultancy is giving the platform to make connections with others for collaboration, funding, internship, job, etc. here anyone can demand connections in any organizations or companies in all over India and our job would be to complete their demand as soon as possible.Note: Write to us for counselling: exchain4us@gmail.com and +918789311695