Jobs, internships, fellowships, fundings, workshops, events, admissions etc.

Exchain4us has been started with the idea of supporting people who are in the social sector or wants to involve in the social sector as a professional. This platform is basically for fresher, new organizations and for lifetime learners.

Funding: Opportunity to attend fully funded World Engineering Day event at UNESCO HQ in Paris on 4th March 2020

Dear Young Scientist/Engineers,

Young engineers below 35 (undergraduates, postgraduates, & early career engineers) are invited to submit a 300 word abstract as to how a project they are working on (e.g. use of AI in healthcare) or an idea they have (e.g. increasing diversity in engineering), is addressing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Finalists will be asked to submit a further 1000 words.

The winner will be funded to attend the World Engineering Day event at UNESCO HQ in Paris on 4th March 2020. Here, they will be presented with an award, and have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to an audience which will include leaders of professional engineering intuitions, and representatives of member states including ambassadors. Commended entries, and the winner, will have their work published in a publication which will be released at the UN STI event in New York, May 2020.

Please read more about this opportunity and submit your application via

The deadline for entries is the 14th February 2020.In the framework of the first World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development, the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) and its Committee on Young Engineers/Future Leaders (which UN MGCY is a part of) are launching a new competition for the best ideas and projects from young engineers (i.e. under 35) to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through engineering.


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