Jobs, internships, fellowships, fundings, workshops, events, admissions etc.

Exchain4us has been started with the idea of supporting people who are in the social sector or wants to involve in the social sector as a professional. This platform is basically for fresher, new organizations and for lifetime learners.

Workshop: Anti Sexual Harassment Training | Mumbai, Delhi & Bangalore

We're back this year with our course on Gender Sensitisation & PoSH Compliance, for Trainers, Consultants, HR Professionals, Fellow Members in the Development Sector, and Students. 

The fees for the two day course is 10,000 INR and we have special discounts for NGOs, Startups, and Students, and for those signing up early on. Funds from these trainings support our pro bono gender justice, legal rights and mental healthcare work.

Delhi: 22nd and 23rd February  
Mumbai: 29th February and 1st March 
Bangalore: 29th February and 1st March 

Do reach out if you're interested and share it ahead in your networks. Personal recommendations would be appreciated. 

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