Jobs, internships, fellowships, fundings, workshops, events, admissions etc.

Exchain4us has been started with the idea of supporting people who are in the social sector or wants to involve in the social sector as a professional. This platform is basically for fresher, new organizations and for lifetime learners.

Ideas for a Better World free course and win £20,000

Got ideas for a better world? This course is for you

Our free British Council online course 'Ideas for a Better World', which is based on the policy and leadership curriculum of Future Leaders Connect will start again next week in collaboration with the Møller Institute, Churchill College, University of Cambridge. Everyone who completes the free course will recieve a certificate from the British Council.

Almost 15,000 people from 168 different countries around the world signed up to our online course in June 2019 and received their free certificate. 99% of them said they gained new knowledge or skills through taking the course and 94% of them said the course exceeded their expectations. The free online course (Ideas for a Better World) lasts four weeks with a commitment required of 2-3 hours per week.  If you want to learn more about policymaking and leadership then this is the course for you.
Don't miss out on learning from these amazing speakers included in the course; 
  • Jayathma Wickramanayake – the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth
  • Graca Machel – International advocate for women’s and children’s rights; former freedom fighter and first Education Minister for Mozambique and Deputy Chair of The Elders
  • The Rt Hon. The Lord Fowler – Lord Speaker, UK House of Lords
  • The Lord Wilson of Dinton GCB – Member of the UK House of Lords
  • Sir Ciarán Devane – Chief Executive of the British Council

Could you win £20,000 for your idea?

'Ideas Change Lives' is the British Council's global innovation challenge to find digital solutions to some of the world’s greatest problems. We are looking for people with entrepreneurial spirit and big ideas that have the potential to make a positive impact for communities across the globe. This year the challenge focusses on finding innovation digital solutions to the following Sustainable Development Goals, Quality Education, Gender Equality and Decent work and economic growth. 
The winning pitch will get £20,000 to invest in their idea, as well as mentorship and support from the British Council for a full year. 
Find out all the details and how to apply on our website. The deadline for applications is 10 January 2020. 

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