Jobs, internships, fellowships, fundings, workshops, events, admissions etc.

Exchain4us has been started with the idea of supporting people who are in the social sector or wants to involve in the social sector as a professional. This platform is basically for fresher, new organizations and for lifetime learners.

Webinar: Resources for Evaluating Systems Change - FSG register now

FSG Reimagining Social Change

How Do You Evaluate Systems Change? A Place to Start. 

start here chalk drawing
Evaluating the impact of long-term systems change work is complex: there is no one-stop primer or comprehensive resource.

How do you start to evaluate systems change work? What do you need to think about when gauging your progress and the initiative’s intended effects, influence, and impact? Read our blog for some advice on where to begin >

Join us on February 28 for a free webcast discussion with Hallie Preskill and Joelle Cook, leaders on FSG's Strategic Learning and Evaluation team, as we discuss how evaluating systems change is different from evaluating programs, and talk about core evaluation principles necessary for advancing systems change.
Evaluating Systems Change Efforts: Where to Start
Date: Friday, February 28, 2020
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET
Cost: Free
Note: a recording will be available for registrants.
Join Us at The Collective Impact Forum's 2020 Convening
Early bird registration for the 2020 Collective Impact Convening is available through January 31. This year's convening is in Minneapolis from May 6-8, 2020. Don't miss the Forum's biggest field-wide event of the year.
About FSG
FSG is a mission-driven consulting firm supporting leaders in creating large-scale, lasting social change. Through customized consulting services, innovative thought leadership, and support for learning communities, we help foundations, businesses, nonprofits, and governments around the world accelerate progress by reimagining social change. Learn more at 
About the Collective Impact Forum 
The Collective Impact Forum, an initiative of FSG and the Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions, is a resource for people and organizations using the collective impact approach to address large-scale social and environmental problems. We aim to increase the effectiveness and adoption of collective impact by providing practitioners with access to the tools, training opportunities, and peer networks they need to be successful in their work. The Collective Impact Forum includes communities of practice, in-person convenings, and an online community and resource center. Learn more and join the community at


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