Jobs, internships, fellowships, fundings, workshops, events, admissions etc.

Exchain4us has been started with the idea of supporting people who are in the social sector or wants to involve in the social sector as a professional. This platform is basically for fresher, new organizations and for lifetime learners.

Online Events: Invitation to Pitaara - A t days virtual gathering of young learners

We are excited to invite you to Pitaara- a two-day virtual gathering of young learners, unschoolers and children from the self-design learning community. 
Pitaara, designed in the spirit of freedom, choice, emergence and exploration, will offer some excellent workshops on a plethora of topics ranging from growing micro-greens, online games, arts, crafts, storytelling to basic coding, hacking and making. 

This gathering allows collaboration between individuals and families from various walks of life, who believe and support children to create their own learning joys and moments. There will be a lot of open space for children to self-organise in groups, co-create their own agendas, spend time having conversations, experiments, playing games, explore music, dance, art, cooking etcThe gathering seeks to engage the heart, hands, head of these young learners who are re-imagining the ways we learn and grow. It's like a virtual LSUC for kids.

Event Structure: 
  • The entire day is divided into 3-4 slots. There will be 3-4 sessions taking place parallelly in different Zoom rooms.
  • All the sessions will be visible on the Live Open Sacred Treasure board (OST). People will be free to join any session they find exciting.
  • The unconference will start at 10:30 am on June 1st and will continue until 6:30 pm on June 2. This is the first virtual unconference of its kind, so we look forward to how it unfolds. 
  • Additionally, interested participants also have the option of hosting a session/workshop for fellow participants. The board will be open to all participants before and during the event to register and host the workshop
  • If you would like to host a workshop, you can mention it in the registration form and we will get in touch with you to assist to pre-plan the session and put it on Live OST form. Please note that you can also decide to host a session instantly during the event. 
Also, families are invited to assist our young learners wherever needed.
Dates - June 1st and 2nd, 2020
Start Time - 10:30 a.m.
Venue - Zoom
Open to all participants under 18 years. 

The Pitaara meet is organised in the spirit of gift culture (pay from your heart). The suggested contribution for the event is INR 1000. You can contribute whatever you are able to from your heart. We whole-heartedly invite you to participate in the event and lack of money should not deter you from attending. Your valuable contribution will help support SDLA events, our facilitators and any current social issue (COVID 19).

Come meet new people and start exciting new journeys together! 
P.S. - The participants can only be youth under the age of 18 but there is no age bar for facilitators. So if you feel you have some fun session or workshop to share with our young learners, please reach out or fill the facilitator registration form. 

For more info:
Facilitator Registration:

For any concerns, questions you can write to us at or call us on the numbers below. 

Co-hosted by: Self Design Learning Alliance . Shikshantar Andolan · Chaitanya Kul  .  The Tribe  · The Tween and Teen Tribe
Warmest Regards!
Pitaara Team! 
Call: Prachi - 9521869419, Manyata - 9810030831

About Self-Designed Learning Alliance: 
Self-design learning alliance is a web platform which is build to bring in the entire SDL community on the common stage. The seeds of this were sown during an OST circle in LSUC this year. A bunch of us which included unschooling parents, individuals who run self-designing learning spaces or believe in the principles of SDL came together to share their journey and challenges. We felt the need for an alliance that connects all of us to enable to support each other. The platform serves that need. At the same time, it acts as a common resource pool of spaces, facilitators, tools, projects etc which all can take from and add to. 
The intention of this alliance is to bring together the entire community of learners, homeschooling/unschooling families, facilitators and organisations and individuals who believe in self-design learning principles together. It is inspired by the needs of our SDL community, work of Shikshantar and Multiversity Alliance, ideas of Ivan Illich in Deschooling Societies, and various writings of Vinobha Ji and Gandhi Ji.

We are prototyping the platform with initial members and testing out the user experience. Amongst the several features it offers, Live Open Sacred Treasures is one of our current favourites. The unconference is enabled by it.

We would love for you to join the alliance. You can look at the entire website here:  SDLA platform - alpha version. We would like to request your help to test the platform out and get feedback on how to improve it.

For any questions, ideas etc please reach out at or call at 9521869419. 

Chaitanya Kul | SDLA team

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