Jobs, internships, fellowships, fundings, workshops, events, admissions etc.

Exchain4us has been started with the idea of supporting people who are in the social sector or wants to involve in the social sector as a professional. This platform is basically for fresher, new organizations and for lifetime learners.

Masterclass on 'Proposal-writing and other steps to getting grants': date: 19th June

Masterclass on 'Proposal-writing and other steps to getting grants'
Trust you are well and keeping yourself engaged and stimulated in these testing times.
In continuation to ISDM's effort of creating virtual avenues of learning and engagement, we present to you, a virtual masterclass on Proposal-writing and other steps to getting grants.
The unique curriculum at ISDM provides students with the opportunity to learn and hone hands-on skills that are critical for successful Development Managers. Get a sneak-peek into the programme, curriculum and the range of courses of ISDM's 1 year PGP in Development Leadership with this Masterclass.
Every year, trillions of dollars in grants are disbursed by foundations, government agencies, and other entities worldwide. In this ISDM Masterclass, you'll learn about researching grants, writing proposals, and building relationships with grantmakers. We'll also cover common pitfalls, and how the application process can help you do better work, even when you don't get the money.
Date: 19th June 2020
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Paul VanDeCarr
Paul VanDeCarr is a writer-editor in New York City with an MPA degree from the Harvard Kennedy School and 20 years of experience on both sides of the philanthropic table, including with such organizations as the Ford Foundation, Philanthropy New York, Echoing Green, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, UNDP, and UNICEF. Learn more at or on LinkedIn, where he posts weekly tips on NGO writing.
To watch all the previous masterclasses visit here
Click here to know more about the Post Graduate Programme in Development Leadership

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